
Oor County is yan ovt best fur scran. Tek a deek at recipes belowe. The Tattie Pot ul mek the mooth watter.

If the meks yan - divvent furget tu sya Grace afore the gits the brossenful. If the hez inny other recipes the thinks ah should kna then send ower to 

If thoos got an account divvent mislikken tu'let uz kna how the gits on ont' Fyacebeuk.

Leynes afoor Meat

Harold Forsyth

A Cumberland Grace

As seun as t' teable's pack't wid grub

Reach till, an' doan't be flayt.

Bit mind on - it's yon Hev'nly Pow'r

'At allus fulls thi plate!

Let praises rise fra' cwoast ta cwoast,

Ta Fadder, Son and' Hwoly Gwoast


Blackite - A bramble, A blackberry.

(Efter picking this yer' crop, ah telt the t'Cumberland Blackite Broonie Recipe)

Brossen-full - Hed mair to eat than’s easy er good.

Dowin - Lunch, ten o’clock.

Aye! aye! thoo allus manishes ta land up aboot dowin time.

Gowpin - A handful; or the two hands full

Hag - To chop

Dutch:hakken, Old Norse: hiacka, Swedish: hagga, German hacken, to chop, hack.

Howk - To scoop out;

howk a whol; howk t’ inside oot.

Kaylieghed - Supped ower much. Inebriated

Kisened - To dry out (and I've heard kissend being used for burnt too).

As kisened as a kill stick. Noo Ah nivver saw a kill stick, but it’s summat varra dry wi’ neea natur left in’t, acos owt ’at’s kisened’s mortal near withoot any sap er owt worth niamen.

(alternative spelling)

Kizzent - adj. Parched or shrivelled.

Crav. kizzened. I think the author of the Crav. Gloss, is right in taking the word to be the same as guizened, which Ray gives as applied to tubs or barrels that leak through drought. The origin, then, is evidently to be found in Old Norse gisinn, leaky (of tubs and vessels.) (see Kisened above).

Lick - To beat.

Welsh llachio, to beat, cudgel, Suio-Goth, laegga, to strike.

Pissibeds - The flowers of the dandelion plant.

Shive - Slice

A slice of bread. To cut a neat swathe.

Smeeth - Smooth

Ang.-Sax. smzthe, smooth.

Tattie Pot Recipe

  • Yan and hafe lb Mutton (or Lamb)
  • Hafe lb black pudden'
  • Twa Onion
  • Twa Carrots
  • Turnip to the tyaste
  • Seasoning
  • Tatties t'cover
  • Watter wid stock

Cube mutton, pudden', t'onions, carrots and turnip und shive tatties.

Keeping tatties back, lig t'lot doon int'rowsting tin. Distributing equally.

    Season then cover ovver wid tatties. Add hot watter wid stock t'cover meat und veg but nut tatties. Brush tatties wid a laal bit ov'melted butter tu broon thum.

    Reet noo the can put int'het oven (200C/400F) fur 2 hours.

    When the teks a deek to see how its gittin' on; if its leuking kissened then put a laal bit mer watter in. If tatties are gitting ovver broon - put a cover ovver.

    After the sez Grace - the can git thesel a brossenful.

    Easter Ledge (Yerb) Pudding

    Jean's Grandma's recipe:

    Weallus med this as seun ez t' green stuff started te grow; a gey lok o' fwol did t' seame. Nut menny on us bother noo a days, hooivver it's weel wurth t' effert.

    Fust off whell aft t'lairn the whut an Easter Ledge is. (Ma fadder allus calld thum Easter ma giants). Wid nettles these at'important things in t' puddin. T' idea was that it was a grand feed o' green stuff after aw t' dried an salted stuff folk hed eaten ower winter - it was sed it cleaned yer blood!

    Easter Ledges in spring

    And in summer

    How to identify Easter Ledge: The Common Bistort (Polygonum Bistorta)

    Sa we divvent git inta bother if someyan teks badly fra oor recipe, wh'ell ga inta standard English for a la'al bit.

    Forage away from areas frequented by dogs!

    Common Bistort displays cylindrical, pink flower spikes in summer; the triangular or heart-shaped leaves appear from spring onwards, and decrease in size up the stem. It grows in damp places, slightly acidic soils in pastures, hay meadows, river-banks and other areas of quite tall, lush growth.

    The leaves are soft and pale green, not to be confused by common dock which is coarser and darker.
    The leaves need to be gathered for this dish in spring when small, not much more than three inches long, when first appearing they are curled backwards. There is normally just a period of up to two weeks when they are at their best. They become too strong in flavour once they get big, and are past use when the flowers appear.

    Nettles likewise need to be small two or three inches high - WEAR RUBBER GLOVES TO PICK THESE and a pair of scissors.

    (Noo av'bin telt thut leaves ont'brim oft nettle divvent sting. If ahz wrang thull hev tu rub a dockin' ont'sting saying,"Dockin' In, Nettle Oot")

    Nixt up whell sha the a Pudding Clout med fra ticking (a strang weave ov textile thut the mek mattresses und pillows fra).

    The clout ont'reet is fra Westmorland, und a family heirloom. Yan used by mudder und grandmudder tu boil up the Yerb Puddin',

    This maks a gurt bowlful te sarve 8 or 10; (ye can mak a hawf batch if ye want).

    Easter Ledges - tethra gowpins (3 handfuls)

    Nettles - tethra gowpins (3 handfuls)

    Cabbish - yan pund (1 lb) (Kale / Savoy or other spring cabbage)

    Pissibed leaves - yan or twa (young dandelion leaves. Dandelions are related to lettuce and endive).

    Onion - yan

    Leeks - twa

    Parsley, Mint, Watercress, Lettuce - fur tyaste.

    Barley - yan brekfust cupful.

    Pepper und Salt

    Eggs - tethra licked (3 beaten)

    Butter - yah gud shive (a good slice of)

    1 - Wesh green und hag (hag = chop - thu can deue int'a fud processor but divvent ower deue it else thull git a mush).

    2 - Howk oot inta puddin' clout (or cloth bag) wid barley.

    3 - Tie brim ovt clout wid string und place inta pan ovf boiling watter.

    4 - Boil fur between yan und yan und hafe hoors (hafe quantity alloo yan hoor).

    5 - Empty clout intu a hot bowl.

    6 - Stir int licked eggs wid butter, mixing well. Salt und pepper tu tyaste.

    7 - Put bowl int'oven fur ten minute tu set t'eggs.

    Serve hot az a vegetable. Its gud wid rowst beef or lamb.

    If thes inny left ovver, fry up wid byacon or thu can freeze fur layter.

    Traditional Cumberland Blackite Broonie

    Yan fur the backend oft'eer. Efter thes roked the hends int briers az the deue blackiting, roond und boot the lonnings.

    Fust Up:

    Tek a deek at oor wordhord.

    va. To beat. Welsh llachio, to beat, cudgel, Suio-Goth, laegga, to strike.

    The standard English would be unhygenic in this context!


    7 ¾ oz Butter
    9 ¾ oz Brun Sugar
    3 large eggs licked
    3 oz Cocoa Powder
    3 oz Self Raising Flour
    3 oz Blackites


    1. Cream butter wid brun sugar.
    2. Skop all t'other ingredients t'gither and lick till smeeth.
    3. Howk oot t'a greased tray
    4. Byake 30/34 minutes - 356F / 180C (adjust for fan)
    5. Scran wid the byat for dowin