Lakeland Dialect Society

Founded in 1939

Welcome to the Lakeland Dialect Society

Ahs hoping thut thus al in grand fettle. Ahs reet on the neb but ahs got February's updyate tu oor Featured pyage in. Fust tyam in a while ahs nut bin a liggy bed!

If thu teks a deek, thu'll ken why thes a picture of flooers, wid yan in snae. Fust tale fits in fur Valentines sah rwoses, tuther aboot spring's mistak sah daffs in snae. 

Altha ahs chittering, it is vanna Spring. Tek thu'sell a deek ut oor Diary pyage und put t'calendar file on thu laalekkie. Oor fust meet up ovt' eer is less thun a month away. Mebbee see thu thee're eh?

First Meeting of 2025

Tim Barker's - Shakespeare fer Shepherds

Divvent mislikken to cum alang tu hear Tim Barker perform his Shakespeare fer Shepherds.

When: Saturday 15th March at 2pm

Where: Blencogo Village Hall, nr Wigton, CA7 0BZ

No admission charge, and visitors and new members welcome.

Please bring a contribution of food for the tea after the performance. 

Tell us your favourite Cumbrian Words

At our members day in Lamplugh, Linda showed us the Word Cloud she created from Cumbrian words.

We are thinking we'd like to get some Polo / T-Shirts / Huddies printed.

Afore we do, we'd like some feedback on the design. Have we got your favourite word on there? Do you like the black and white or do you think colour would look better?

Use the form at the bottom of the page to feedback or email the secretary. I'll let you know the best Words you suggest (I'm happy they put Mislikken on there!).

What We Do


News - 23rd January 2025

With the obituary detailing the remarkable life of our former President Tommy Coulthard.

Featured - 19th February 2025

Two John Richardson pieces which seemed timely for this month. It's Nobbut Me and Spring's Mistak.

Diary - 5th December 2024

Updated with our 2025 programme. We've even got a calendar file for your phone and computer app.

When I update the website I'll put a note out @Workytown on Chunter (Twitter / X). Next update is due by the 20th March 2025.

How We Began

Formed in 1939, the Lakeland Dialect Society came about out of a series of "Merry Neets", entertaining get-togethers at which  town and country folk talk, sing and recite poetry, in the dialect of the Lakeland region:

Cumberland, Westmorland and the Furness district of Lancashire, now all in the modern county of Cumbria in the English Lake District.

The first Lakeland Dialect Society committee met at Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery in Carlisle on June 10, 1939.

Members agreed that the aims of the society would be to preserve and celebrate the ancient speech of the region.

Promoting, preserving and celebrating the dialect of Lakeland

From the outset the Society was dedicated to the academic study of the Cumbrian dialects and to fostering the dialect speech and writing.

The constitution states: The objects of the Society shall be to encourage interest in the writing of Dialect Verse, Prose and Drama; to stimulate the publication of Dialect Literature and the production of Dialect Plays; to study the origins and history of Dialect, Folk-lore, Folk Songs and Local Customs and Traditions. The Society shall endeavour to bring together lovers of dialect so as to develop interest therein. If possible it shall make tape recordings of the various dialects within the area. These remain our aims today.

Despite difficulties in the years following 1939, the Society got established and flourished. Membership is currently around 250. Members live not only in the Lake District but also throughout the UK, and the rest of the World—all united in a love of “oor mak o’ twoak”!

The Society meets at roughly quarterly intervals, on Saturday afternoons at venues throughout Cumbria. Prospective members or casual visitors are always warmly welcomed, and a good “crack” is always guaranteed! A church service conducted in dialect is held biennially and there are occasional public performances. A Journal, published annually, is free to all members.

To join, contact a member of the society at the email address below, or telephone.

What is the Lakeland Dialect Society?

I'll tell the'

We're nut stuck up er prood i't mooth

Fer t'main on us was bred in't fells,

We're nobbut wiet, yammly, fwoak

Off t'seeam switch as yersels.

An' like yersels, we clag tight tull

0't bits o'country ways an' looar;

We like ta hod a crack aboot

T'auld dale-fwoak' at hev gone afooar.

Mi fadder, (an' nea doot he's reet),

Sez t's main o't' fell fwoak er o't seame

They "Hawk tagidder" on a drag,

Till Foxy's brush is hung on t'beame.

He sez 'at t' interest (like t' auld Fox)

Is rousan 'noo fer thee an' me,

Soo join, yersels, an git yer kin

Ta join oor own Society.

From The Works of Lance Porter - Lakeland Treasury

Compiled and edited by Ted Relph and Published by the Society

See if ye can git alang tae yan uv oor meetens

​Have a look at our latest programme - we'll be meeting around the county from March until November and we'd love to see you there for some discussion and enjoyment of dialect and our rich heritage.

President: Mrs Jean Scott-Smith, Gale View, Main Street, Shap, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 3NH. Phone: 01931 716386


Journal Editor: Mrs Louise Green, Overdale, Ireby, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 1EQ. Phone: 01697371710


Secretary and Website: Phillip Gate, Workington

If you prefer to send a letter or speak by phone, please use our contact form and I'll get back to you.



If you request a reply by email, and haven't heard back, please check your junk mail folder.